Sunday, February 19, 2012


I apparently jumped the gun on this one.  We talked the next day and got things sorted out.  I missed the fact that we aren't officially dating and it was not my place to act how I did.  I felt like I totally screwed whatever progress we made over the course of this budding friendship.  It seemed that I was possessive and somewhat controlling.  The only justification I can give now seems silly.  I was merely trying to avoid old feelings being stirred up between them, which could cause my removal from the equation.

Water under the bridge.

After our discussion, I went to the island to collect seashells and sand for an upcoming project.  I found several unique pieces .. and pieces of sand dollars.

While I sat in the sand, I realized how much I missed my first love.  I missed the wind, the sun, the sand, the salt air and the gentle power of the ocean.  I remembered all the wonderful memories I've had over the years.  I thought about the past hurricanes, paddling to the third sandbar and being brushed by sharks during their mating season.  I miss this place more than a steak dinner (and I love steak).

A few hours later, I went to see my second family.  They aren't technically my family, but they see me as their son and I confide in them often.  This small family has helped me through the terrible times and were right there to celebrate the amazing days.  I was refreshing to see them again.  I stayed and talked for hours and ate enough food to feed the crew of the International Space Station for a week.  I love my second family.

But alas, I must return to my roots and head back home.

Back at home, several of the guys back in Houston called to hang out..but I was hours away.  No worries though, I will see them soon.  One event I was missing out on was a 30 yr b-day bash.  From what I hear, there was a fake proposal, a food fight, and Wii Just Dance.  (most importantly, she was there too!!)  What I would have given to be there with her..and watch her dance.

I'm so ready to see her today.  So ready.


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