Saturday, February 18, 2012

Trip back home

I decided to go back home to see my folks, friends and my beloved beach.  I woke up extra early to talk to the special friend listed in the previous post, which was a nice way to start the day.  The nearly five hour drive back home was smooth and uneventful.  On most trips back home, I stop at Prasek's in Hillje to pick up jerky and assorted meats to give to people as I visit them.  Unfortunately today, I arrived before they opened.  Sad day.

Once I arrived home, I was greeted at the door by my folks and a nice lunch.  Until today, I hadn't been home in two we had alot of catching up to do.  I told them about school, my friends, and my upcoming special friend.

A few hours later, I sat down to enjoy a nice steak dinner with taters and broccoli.  It's good to be home.  Later in the evening, I hopped on down to Alice to see Matt and Terri (best friends when I lived there).  Catching up with them made my heart happy and I realized how much I've missed since I moved last summer.  I miss them dearly.

As the sun set and the moon began to rise high into the night, my best friend and I got together to throw darts and play a few rounds of foosball.  *Side note: I was the Singles Foosball Champion in 2008 at TAMU-K*  Skrobo and I have been friends for a long time and have created many awesome memories in the process.  As typical boys, we often find ourselves with sharp things, fire and being stupid dumb at the beach.  If and when I get married, he would be co-best man with my actual brother.

For those of you reading this, everything sounds quite peachy.  Be warned, this new lady friend definitely tested the amount of loyalty to me and her level of judgment.  She thought it would be ok to have an ex-boyfriend come to her place to talk, drink coffee and watch a movie.  As far as I know, he arrived there about 8pm and was STILL THERE well past one in the morning.  Now, I could be over-reacting a little, but when people meet up to talk and have coffee, it usually means something else is in the mix.  I'm not blaming her for anything, I just don't think it was smart.  Ladies, what if you were mutually interested in a guy and he had an ex-girlfriend come to his place to talk and drink coffee...and stay there well past one am?!  Wouldn't you be worried about anything.

All I know is that if I can't trust her, I won't put forth any more effort into this friendship/relationship.

End of story.


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