Thursday, February 16, 2012

New interest

During the past month or so, I have become quite interested in a particular female.  We are becoming good friends and I would like to see our friendship progress into a long-term relationship.  Everything was fine and dandy until today.

During the morning announcements, I learned that one of my seniors died in a car accident the night before.  He was an outstanding student who was involved in school affairs and always looked on the bright side of life.  I will miss him dearly.  As the day progressed, I ended up taking a half-day off and went home.  I initially wanted to get away from the school, but I quickly realized that I haven't seen the people who are dear to my heart since Christmas break.  I became sad due to the fact that I am four hours away and haven't seen them in sooooooo long.  Through talking to the aforementioned female, I felt better about the day.  She helped me so much today and I am truly grateful.

As the day progressed, I finally heard her voice.  (As a side note, I seldom get wrapped up into people so quickly, she must have worked some voodoo magic on me .. that of which I don't mind)  She was able to put me at ease and help me realize that everything will be ok.  Sadly however, when I mentioned that I may go home this weekend, she seemed to shut down on me.  Granted that we tentatively made plans for the weekend, she may have seen this as an issue.  (Just so you know, I really like this girl and to see that I hurt her, I felt running over your own pet horrible.)  I felt that I was on the losing end of escaping an avalanche of feelings left of from the previous feller.  As the conversation continued, I tried to share my true feelings and re-gain her confidence in me, but it was to little or no gain.

When all is said and done, I don't really know where we stand.  What I do know, is that I want to make it right.  Like I stated before, I enjoy our time and find her quite intriguing.  I would like to see us get past this and move onto better days.

P.S.    She may never see this, but if she does, just know that I think you're abudantly exquisite.


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